Reggio Emilia Classroom (NE Salem)
This classroom is at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, in NE Salem. It utilizes a Reggio Emilia-inspired approach that holds children are capable of constructing their own learning, where teachers are mentors and guides who offer provocations rather than pre-planned lessons. This approach promotes critical thinking and experimentation in children. Participation of parenting family member is required. The program is offered in Spanish, at no cost to participants.

La Escuelita at Colonia Libertad (SE Salem)
“La Escuelita” (the Little School”) at the Colonia Libertad Farmworker Housing apartments is part of a program that’s been in existence for about 15 years. Utilizing structured activities, and individualized support, participants work on learning the sounds of vowels, the ABCs, figures, etc., to help prepare them for kindergarten. It is in Spanish, but parent participation is not required.