Reducing Toxic Stress.
The Family Wellness Program (FWP) is Mano a Mano Family Centers first and oldest program, the core elements of which were established in 1988.
Using the Strengthening Families Protective Factors framework, this program supports growing resilience and reducing toxic stress by connecting the people we serve to concrete assistance in times of need, and supporting the development of positive social connections.
Help in Times of Need

Since 2016, about 14,000 clients (~54,000 individuals) have benefited from a service they accessed with the support of Mano a Mano’s team of resource navigators, traditional health workers, other front-line staff and volunteers, specially during a time of need.
1-on-1 Assistance

Our team can support clients navigate the various resources and systems they need to access, such as public assistance, basic needs assistance, education, health system/care and others, as well as case management. These 1-on-1 supports are delivered by trained navigators or certified traditional health workers (THWs).

Positive Social Connections
Cafecitos (lit., “little cafes”) are neighborhood-based groups that help develop positive social connections with peers. There are currently four cafecitos meeting throughout Salem. Some meet weekly and others monthly.
Cafecitos can also provide a platform for neighbors to engage with decision-makers in their community, and acquire new skills and knowledge.
Traditional Health Workers usually support or facilitate these cafecitos at Mano a Mano.